Round Aluminium Windows

Our round aluminium windows are made to your exact requirements and can be fixed or opening. All joints are welded and dressed flush so that no joint lines can be seen. Contact us today with your enquiry.

Round and rectangular aluminium windows in modern white building
Lady opening circular aluminium window
Outside view of lady opening round aluminium window


  • Window frame only – ready for fitting and glazing by the customer
  • Fully finished – black glazing gaskets, silver handles and hinges
  • Glazing instructions & glass size included


Window Type Minimum Diameter
Maximum Recommended
Diameter (mm)
Fixed 480 1800
(Horizontal Pivot)
600 1400

We also stock a range of round aluminium windows that can be painted to any standard RAL colour and delivered to you within 7-14 days.

See the Standard Stock Sizes page for more details.


Our round windows are formed from our custom thermally broken system. The system has been specially designed to bend easily without distortion.


All joints are welded and dressed flush so that no joint lines can be seen.


All fittings are silver finish as standard but other colours are available if required. All our round windows are internally beaded for security purposes unless otherwise requested.

Powder Coating

Single Colour

Our frames are finished with a polyester powder coat using a wide variety of colours.

Dual Colour

We also offer a dual colour option, which allows the outside of the frame to be a different colour to the inside.

See the Finishes page for more details.

Window Types


Fixed aluminium circular windows can be formed into smaller and larger diameters than opening ones (see table above).

Opening (Horizontal Pivot)

Fittings for our aluminium circular pivot windows include an adjustable friction hinge with a built-in 15 degree restrictor stay and reverse position catch.

The reverse position catch allows the window to be turned 180 degrees, enabling both sides of the window to be easily cleaned from inside the building.

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